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students watching presentation by instructor holding a hawk
Glen Acres had a "Wild" Visitor

Fifth grade had a special visit from the Indian Run Environmental Center, learning about birds of prey up close and personal!

veterans and families on stage
Honoring Our Veterans!

Students and staff joined in heartfelt tributes recognizing the courage and dedication of our veterans and active service members.

students and staff outside of GAE
Glen Acres Rededication Celebration

WCASD joined together for a special rededication ceremony, following the renovation and addition project at Glen Acres Elementary!

student high-fiving mascot
High-Fives and High Spirits

High-fives on the way into GAE for the first day of school!

Students getting off the bus
A Welcoming First Day at Glen Acres!

Principal Ryan lends a hand, guiding a student off of the bus and into the first day of a new school year!

Today is...

Bus Status Embed

school status bus icon

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News & Announcements

Our Story in Numbers



450 eager eagles enrolled in Glen Acres Elementary School. 


Average Class Size

With and average of 23 students, our class sizes foster connection and learning. 


Team Members

Glen Acres Elementary's school community is supported by 71 dedicated team members.


Technology Access

Our 1:1 initiative equips students with essential technology skills and experience. 


Years of Personal Bests

Our school has proudly educated students for 58 years and counting. 


Eagle Way

Growing leaders every day by following the Eagles Way: Respect, Responsibility and Kindness.