Reading Olympics
Chester County Reading Olympics
This year, Glen Acres fifth graders will be invited to join our Reading Olympics team. Elementary schools throughout Chester County participate each year in this celebration of reading event. The goal of the Olympics is to increase the quality of books our students read for enjoyment and give them the opportunity to compete on a team in an academic event. All participants will receive a ribbon for their hard work and dedication to reading. The friendly competition is through the Chester County Intermediate Unit and you can find more information at the CCIU's Reading Olympics event site.
Team members will be required to read 6-8 books (which the library will provide) from a pre-selected list of 45 books. We will start meeting in the library in late October once per week during fifth grade lunch. We will be discussing books they have read and quizzing each other about the stories.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Rachel Karrmann (Librarian and building coordinator) at
Activity Fee Information
The West Chester Area School District has a tradition of offering high-quality extra-curricular programs for students. Finding a way to maintain that tradition while facing annual budget gaps has become a growing challenge every year. In order to help offset the costs of our extra-curricular programs, the district assesses a student participation fee. This fee is assessed only for students who participate in extra-curricular activities supported by a contracted coach, advisor, or director.
Physical Education
Health and Physical Education Office: 484-266-1700 x 5915
Mr. Michael Yarosewick “Mr. Y.”
Overview - The Physical Education curriculum is based on Pennsylvania State Academic Standards and National Standards for Physical Education. Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. Our program also seeks to integrate Physical Education with classroom concepts and skills.
Class Rules
1. Be prepared for class (Sneakers)
2. Be safe at all times
3. Respect self and others
4. Follow directions
5. Be a good sport
Excuse Notes - If your child needs to be excused from P.E. due to illness or injury, a note from a parent or doctor is required. Please have your child bring it with them to PE class. If it is a doctor’s note, then another doctor’s note is required when your child is cleared to return to full participation.
View the Band Information Flyer for more information about the Glen Acres Band!
Welcome to Our School Orchestra!
Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade have the option to play the violin, viola, cello, or bass. Students take lessons in a group and meet once a week for 30 minutes. The lessons take place on the same day every week, but the lesson time changes weekly. It is important for students to check the string schedule that is posted in each classroom. The string schedule will also be posted outside of the Orchestra Room.
4th & 5th graders combine to form a string Orchestra, which performs in our annual Winter and Spring concerts. 3rd graders have their debut performance in March. 4th & 5th grade students also have the opportunity to audition and play with the WCASD Elementary Honors Orchestra, which begins in January. Students in WCASD can perform in Orchestra through 12th grade! We have a terrific orchestra program!