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PickUp Patrol




How do I get to the Login Page? 

● Initially you will click on the link in the Welcome Email you received. 
● After that, there are three other ways: 

○ Click on the PickUp Patrol link on your website. 
○ On the PickUp Patrol website ( there is a blue PARENT LOGIN button at the top right-hand corner of the home page. 
○ You can also go directly to the application itself:

My Login Link has expired. What do I do? 

Since the links expire in 48 hours for security reasons, ask your school to send you another Welcome Email. 

I didn’t receive a Welcome Email and I know the school has sent them out. 

  • Check their junk or spam folder. 
  • If the email can’t be found in your junk or spam folder, check with your child's school secretary to verify that your email address is correct in Pickup Patrol.

I downloaded the App, but I can’t log in. 

You first need to register using the link you sent them in the Welcome Email. Then, they will be able to login to the App. 

Is the PickUp Patrol App free? 

Yes, the App is free for parents to use. 

How do I enter Default Plans for my children? 

1. Login to you PickUp Patrol account on a computer (you cannot enter Default Plans in the App.)
2. In the top right-hand corner, you should click on your name. 
3. In the drop-down box, select DEFAULT PLANS. 
4. Click the name of your child. 
5. Enter the Default Plans from the drop-down boxes for each day. 
6. If your child has the same Default Plan each day of the week, enter Monday’s plan, then go down to the bottom of the box and click COPY MONDAY.
7. Click SAVE.
8. Repeat for additional children. 

Why can I only see some of my children? 

This usually means that in Powerschool, students have different email addresses listed for this parent. Please check with your child's school secretary to verify the email addresses are consistent for all parents. 

How can I stop receiving email confirmations? 

1. Login to your PickUp Patrol account. 
2. In the top right-hand corner, click on your name. 
3. In the drop-down box, click USER PROFILE. 
4. Deselect “Send me confirmation emails when plan changes are made.”